Working with Flow ================= "Flow" is a special mode the bulb can be set to, which is basically a list of transitions to perform in succession. For example, a flow can be a constant cycling of colors from one to the next, until it is stopped, or it can be a quick blink of a certain color. Usage ----- To create a flow, we need to instantiate a :py:class:`Flow ` object and add some transitions to it. The :py:class:`Flow ` object accepts three parameters, a ``count``, which is the number of *loops* to perform (*NOT* the number of transitions!), an ``action``, which is what to do at the end of the flow, and ``transitions``, a list of the transitions themselves. In the original protocol spec, the ``count`` argument specifies the number of transitions to perform. For example, if you have 10 transitions, and ``count`` is 5, the bulb will stop transitioning in the middle of your flow and exit. This is rather counter-intuitive, so the ``yeelight`` library changes this to mean "number of loops". If you want to loop once, no matter how long your transition list, just specify 1. 0 means "loop forever". ``action`` can be ``Flow.actions.recover`` to return to the original state after this flow is stopped (either through the :py:meth:`stop_flow ` method or just because the loop has stopped), ``Flow.actions.stay`` to just stay at the last state of the flow, or ```` to turn off afterwards. ``transitions`` is a list of transition instances. There are various transition classes available, which are detailed in the :ref:`API reference `. The bulbs seem to be limited to around nine transitions (any more will produce an "invalid command" error). Let's see a few examples. Simple example -------------- A simple example is to cycle the color temperature from 1700 to 6500 twice, with a one-second delay in-between (the examples assume we have a :py:class:`Bulb ` instance in ``bulb``), and then return to the previous state:: from yeelight import * transitions = [ TemperatureTransition(1700, duration=1000), SleepTransition(duration=1000), TemperatureTransition(6500, duration=1000) ] flow = Flow( count=2, action=Flow.actions.recover, transitions=transitions ) bulb.start_flow(flow) Infinite color cycle -------------------- We can cycle between colors forever like so:: from yeelight import * transitions = [ RGBTransition(255, 0, 255, duration=1000) ] flow = Flow( count=0, # Cycle forever. transitions=transitions ) bulb.start_flow(flow) To stop the flow (and return to the previous state, because of the default ``Flow.actions.recover`` ``action``, you can use :py:meth:`stop_flow `:: bulb.stop_flow() Quick pulse ----------- If you want to connect the bulb to a notification system, you can fire off a quick pulse. For example, to pulse the bulb green twice when there is a WhatsApp message and return, we can do:: from yeelight import * transitions = [HSVTransition(hue, 100, duration=500) for hue in range(0, 359, 40)] flow = Flow( count=2, transitions=transitions ) bulb.start_flow(flow) Pretty easy! Transition presets ------------------ The library includes some preset transitions in the :py:mod:`yeelight.transitions` module, to make it easy for you to start. You can use the transitions simply by calling the preset:: from yeelight.transitions import * from yeelight import Flow flow = Flow( count=10, transitions=disco(), # Call the transition preset to get the # transitions you like. ) bulb.start_flow(flow) Remember that the transition presets are functions, so you need to call them. That's because some of them take parameters. Flow presets ------------ The library includes some flow transitions in the :py:mod:`yeelight.flows` module, to make it easy for you to start. You can use the flows simply by calling the preset:: from yeelight.flows import * christmas().start_flow(flow)