Source code for yeelight.flow

import colorsys
import logging
from enum import Enum
from itertools import chain

from .utils import _clamp

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Action(Enum):
    The Flow action enumeration.

    Use this as the ``action`` parameter in a flow, to specify what should
    happen after the flow ends.

    recover = 0
    stay = 1
    off = 2

[docs]class Flow(object): actions = Action def __init__(self, count=0, action=Action.recover, transitions=None): """ A complete flow, consisting of one or multiple transitions. Example: >>> transitions = [RGBTransition(255, 0, 0), SleepTransition(400)] >>> Flow(3, Flow.actions.recover, transitions) :param int count: The number of times to run this flow (0 to run forever). :param action action: The action to take after the flow stops. Can be ``Flow.actions.recover`` to go back to the state before the flow, ``Flow.actions.stay`` to stay at the last state, and ```` to turn off. :param list transitions: A list of :py:class:`FlowTransition <yeelight.FlowTransition>` instances that describe the flow transitions to perform. """ if transitions is None: transitions = [] self.count = count self.action = action self.transitions = transitions # Note, main depends on us, so we cannot import BulbException here. if len(self.transitions) > 9: _LOGGER.warning( "The bulb seems to support up to 9 transitions. Your %s might fail." % len(self.transitions) ) @property def expression(self): """ Return a YeeLight-compatible expression that implements this flow. :rtype: list """ expr = chain.from_iterable( transition.as_list() for transition in self.transitions ) expr = ", ".join(str(value) for value in expr) return expr @property def as_start_flow_params(self): """ Return a YeeLight start_cf compatible params. :rtype: list """ return self.count * len(self.transitions), self.action.value, self.expression
class FlowTransition(object): """A single transition in the flow.""" def as_list(self): """ Return a YeeLight-compatible expression that implements this transition. :rtype: list """ brightness = min(int(self.brightness), 100) # Duration must be at least 50, otherwise there's an error. return [max(50, self.duration), self._mode, self._value, brightness]
[docs]class RGBTransition(FlowTransition): def __init__(self, red, green, blue, duration=300, brightness=100): """ An RGB transition. :param int red: The value of red (0-255). :param int green: The value of green (0-255). :param int blue: The value of blue (0-255). :param int duration: The duration of the effect, in milliseconds. The minimum is 50. :param int brightness: The brightness value to transition to (1-100). """ = red = green = blue # The mode value the YeeLight protocol mandates. self._mode = 1 self.duration = duration self.brightness = brightness @property def _value(self): """The YeeLight-compatible value for this transition.""" red = _clamp(, 0, 255) green = _clamp(, 0, 255) blue = _clamp(, 0, 255) return red * 65536 + green * 256 + blue def __repr__(self): return "<%s(%s,%s,%s) duration %s, brightness %s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__,,,, self.duration, self.brightness, )
[docs]class HSVTransition(FlowTransition): def __init__(self, hue, saturation, duration=300, brightness=100): """ An HSV transition. :param int hue: The color hue to transition to (0-359). :param int saturation: The color saturation to transition to (0-100). :param int duration: The duration of the effect, in milliseconds. The minimum is 50. :param int brightness: The brightness value to transition to (1-100). """ self.hue = hue self.saturation = saturation # The mode value the YeeLight protocol mandates. self._mode = 1 self.duration = duration self.brightness = brightness @property def _value(self): """The YeeLight-compatible value for this transition.""" hue = _clamp(self.hue, 0, 359) / 359.0 saturation = max(0, min(100, self.saturation)) / 100.0 red, green, blue = [ int(round(col * 255)) for col in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, saturation, 1) ] return red * 65536 + green * 256 + blue def __repr__(self): return "<%s(%s,%s) duration %s, brightness %s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.hue, self.saturation, self.duration, self.brightness, )
[docs]class TemperatureTransition(FlowTransition): def __init__(self, degrees, duration=300, brightness=100): """ A Color Temperature transition. :param int degrees: The degrees to set the color temperature to (1700-6500). :param int duration: The duration of the effect, in milliseconds. The minimum is 50. :param int brightness: The brightness value to transition to (1-100). """ self.degrees = degrees # The mode value the YeeLight protocol mandates. self._mode = 2 self.duration = duration self.brightness = _clamp(brightness, 1, 100) @property def _value(self): """The YeeLight-compatible value for this transition.""" return max(1700, min(6500, self.degrees)) def __repr__(self): return "<%s(%sK) duration %s, brightness %s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.degrees, self.duration, self.brightness, )
[docs]class SleepTransition(FlowTransition): def __init__(self, duration=300): """ A Sleep transition. :param int duration: The duration of the effect, in milliseconds. The minimum is 50. """ # The mode value the YeeLight protocol mandates. self._mode = 7 # Ignored by YeeLight. self._value = 1 self.brightness = 2 self.duration = duration def __repr__(self): return "<%s: duration %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.duration)